Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Answer

Okay everyone, this is the moment you have been waiting for!

The answer to the riddle is:


(drum roll)


the man was a billionaire and after a few years he became a millionaire because he lost so much money! Ha!

So, I guess the person with the closest answer is Lisa since she said that "he was being nice and generous," so Lisa will get half of a portrait.

Here you go, Lisa. Bask in all your glory.


Lisa Lou said...

wow. thanks. that's a really good half portrait.

Kathy Haynie said...

Well, I tried to figure it really got me! Good riddle!

ali said...

i put that picture up

Bryan Lewis said...

yes...well, i EDITED it on MS Paint to make it look cooler

Nathan said...

Two things:
1) That isn't for reals a drawing of Lisa. I want to see some time and effort gone into an actual drawing of her. Ok.
2) I think that my answers are actually probably correct. I bet rate exchanges and all that could make him rich. So in my mind, I won the money. Ok bye.