i had a lot of weird dreams last night. i mean, these dreams were
so weird that i even noticed how weird they were
during the dream, and that hardly ever happens. i was in the mill were i work, but it was turned upside-down and inside-out and infested with rats so we hired Mausie (my family's old cat) to eat all the rats. then i wanted to knit hats for all the rats. oh and that country song "it's 5 o'clock somewhere" was playing loudly in the background of the mill, too. the next part of my dream was that i could control time. i could make it stop and go back as i pleased. it was very nice.
the problem is that i still thought i had this power when i woke up. i set my alarm for 7:30 so i could go to meeting at 8 this morning (which, by the way, is a
very early time to have a meeting on a saturday). but when the alarm when off, i thought i could make the time go backwards by pressing the snooze button
twice instead of once. i didn't realize it wasn't working until 8:13. i was very disappointed in my abilities.
i walked over to campus slowly, bitter that i had to go and bitter that i couldn't control time. it made me a little happy to see that the room that was scheduled for the meeting was completely dark and locked. now i'm just doing homework.