Tuesday, August 21, 2012


This is the picture of the Muchacho Cup that I was talking about yesterday:

Doesn't it make you so happy? Now you can compare the muchacho with Olivia:

Not bad, eh? 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

All the different Olivias

A few days ago Olivia, Katie, and I were eating lunch together and Katie and I were playing Farkle, I think. Since Katie won, I drew her wearing a crown. Once Olivia saw it, she wanted a picture drawn of herself. I drew a "Patriotic Olivia" because she could recite the pledge of allegiance so well. Then she decided that she wanted all sorts of different Olivia's. The next one I drew was a "Kitty Olivia" and it kind of just went on from there:

The "muchacho" is from Olivia's favorite cup, which she calls the Muchacho Cup. I can't find a picture of it right now, but it really is a great cup.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Some stories from work

Story 1:
I saw this really funny old black lady the other day. She was laughing and cracking jokes the whole time with me, which was pretty nice and refreshing since most of the people we see are seriously ill or have some rare disease and are understandably not in the best mood. But this lady was hilarious. When I brought her back from the waiting room to the exam room she was saying "Ah, thank you sir" and "Yes, sir" and "Mmm hmm, yes sir!" between each funny comment she was making.
Then about halfway through the exam she stopped mid-sentence and said, "Hey, hey, now, hold up. How old did you say you are now?" To which I replied, "Um, well, I just turned 26."
Then the lady laughed and said, "Oh my! I ain't callin' you sir no more! You's a baby is all!"
She then proceeded to refer to me as "baby." It was pretty great. I'm not sure how old I have to be to transition from "baby" to "sir," but I have apparently not yet reached that point.

Story 2:
One of my coworkers was reviewing a patient's record before taking them back and they saw a note at the bottom of the last exam's note saying "left eye damage is consistent with forking." He had no idea what "forking" meant and the doctors couldn't really remember either. The only thing they remembered was that he was a back-woodsy kind of guy from West Virginia. My coworker went and got him and then worked him up for the doctor. When he came out of the exam room he told us all about forking.
It turns out that when this guy was about 5 or 6 years old, he walked into his kitchen while his mom was putting away the utensils. However, the mom was standing a few feet away from the utensil drawer and was tossing the utensils into the drawer and this guy walked in between his mom and the drawer. The fork was mid-air at the time and it entered into is left eye, leaving him blind.
So there you go, now you know what "forking" means, in case you come across another similar situation.

Story 3:
Sometimes we see people who are blind in one eye (see Story 2). When I work a patient up for the doctor, I test a couple things: visual acuity (meaning asking them while line on the chart they can read), pupil response, eye muscles, and eye pressure, and sometimes we run a visual field to check their peripheral vision. Anyway, as I was saying, sometimes we see people that are blind in one eye. However, almost every time I see one of these patients, I forget they can't see out of one of their eyes. It makes for some very awkward situations. For example, I would tell them to cover one eye with an occluder, and they would just sadly reply that they don't need one. Or I would have their good eye patched and ask them to "look over here" and then just sigh and lift up their eye patch to see where I'm pointing. I always feel terrible when that happens.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Here are some pictures I found of Mars taken by the Curiosity rover on NASA's website.

Isn't it crazy how Earth-like it all seems? I mean, I've seen places that look like this in Utah. Pretty amazing.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Eye popping out

I had a very interesting experience today. I've been working with the neuro-ophthalmologist for about 4 weeks now, and I've seen some pretty shocking things, but today takes the cake.

Note: I have only linked to photographs instead of posting them directly here so that people can choose for themselves to look at them or not. You're welcome.

A patient came in today with Grave's disease. Grave's disease is a thyroid disorder that has many side effects, one of them being that your eyes may bulge out a little bit (just like this). This patient I saw was a middle-aged African-American lady who developed Grave's last year. She had some surgery on her thyroid a few months ago, but her eyes still bulge out. We see Grave's patients every day in our clinic, so it's no big deal to see someone with bulging eyes. They usually wear sunglasses because their self-conscious about the way they look.

Anyway, I was working the patient up to get her ready to see the doctor. I took her medical history, got her visual acuity, checked her pupils and eye movements, and then started to check her eye pressure. Some people in other clinics check eye pressure by doing that puff-of-air-in-the-eye test, but since that test can be pretty inaccurate we do contact tonometry. This means that I put a numbing drop in the patients eye then press on the eyeball with a blue light to find the pressure inside the eyeball (it looks like this). It was pretty scary to push on someone's eyeball the first time, but now I'm used to it. Sometimes people blink a lot so I have to hold their eye open with one hand while pushing the slit lamp into their face with the other.

This patient with Grave's that I saw today was a blinker, so I had to hold her eyelids up while I measured her pressures. I always start with the right eye, and that one went OK. It took a couple of tries because she kept saying that her "eyelid was about to roll up" and she would pull away from me real quick. I wasn't sure what it meant to have an eyelid "roll up", so I didn't think much of it.

When I measured her left eye, I found out what it meant to have her eyelid "roll up." It means that her eyeball POPS OUT OF HER FACE and her eyelid is behind it. I still cringe when I think about it. I was measuring her left eye when she suddenly said, "Oh! Oh!" and then I felt a little pop against the tonometer. I looked up and saw this lady's left eyeball protruding out of her socket with the most horrified look on her face (just like this). I'm sure my face was more horrified than hers.

I had no idea what to do. It was kind of funny because we were all joking about this happening last week and someone mentioned that there is this spoon-shaped instrument used to push eyes back in, but I had no idea where to find one or how to use it. I ended up biting my tongue to keep myself from yelling, then asked the woman if her eye hurt. She said, "Oh, yes!" I then realized it was kind of a dumb question.

I was about to get the doctor when the patient ended up fixing it herself. She pulled her eyelid out from behind the eye and pulled it down in front of bulging eye, then used both hands to push her eye back into her socket. I asked her if this sort of thing has happened before and she said that it has happened a couple of times.

After finishing up the exam, I talked to the other technicians and they all the held their hands over their mouths and gasped while I told the story. I guess they've never seen that happen before. The doctor, on the other hand, seemed totally unfazed by it. He was like," Oh, which eye did the subluxation occur in?" and I had to relive the experience over again before I could confidently say "Left eye."

And now I will live in fear of testing the eye pressure of Grave's patients. Maybe I should just keep the little eye-spoon-tool with me at all times just in case I come across a patient who can't put her eye back in.