Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tutorial: Chess Board

A few Christmases ago I made some chess boards as presents. I worked at an architectural mill at the time, so I was able to use the scrap materials and equipment for free. It was great. I thought I would write up a little tutorial on how I made the chess boards because I came up with this method all on my own and I think it was pretty clever of me.

First, find a bunch of scrap pieces of two different types of wood. I liked using mahogany and maple. Glue the pieces together to make to big sheets.

Even out the ends if you want, and then cut the sheets into 5 equal width strips.

Then glue them together alternating colors.

After it is glued, turn the board 90° cut it up into 8 equal strips.

Then shift the pieces by one square and glue it up again.

Use saw to cut off the overhanging pieces and a router or joiner to smooth off the edges. Now you can stick some pencil molding or use a router to make the edges all nice.

And there you go! I tried to carve chess pieces too...but those turned out SO BAD. So I would recommend just stealing some pieces from a board you have lying around the house.


  1. man so cool. i would've weaved the wood but that would require exceeding strength.

  2. Pretty cool tutorial. I wonder if any of Katie's crafty followers will attempt it. :)
    Dad was talking about his chess board just today.

  3. does it bug you that the last arrow is brown?

  4. Great Tutorial on Chess Board.. We have thousands of affordable Chess tutors who are waiting to improve your knowledge. It's easy to find a Chess Tutor.

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