Thursday, December 9, 2010

Most Unwanted Song in the World

There seems to be a general consensus among the population about what defines a terrible song. Scientists did some research and they made a list of things in music that we hate. Here are things that top the list:
  • Holiday music
  • Bagpipes
  • Organs
  • A children’s chorus
  • Cowboys
  • Oompah tubas
  • Opera
  • Rap
So these sick, sick people decided to make a song combining all of these pieces together. I got to 2:30 before I had to turn it off. I DARE you to listen to the whole thing. 


  1. when you made me listen to this i wanted to be deaf.

  2. Good thing I could "listen" to this "song?" while I was walking around doing other things. Wow....Where do you find these things? This is Mom....

  3. Hahahaha! Oh man that was really annoying. I actually listened to the whole thing. I like the kids singing "Yom kippur, yom kippur, do all your shopping.... AT WALMART!"

  4. I didn't listen to the song... I fear it. But I do happen to love bagpipes, opera music, and rap. So maybe it wouldn't be so bad?

  5. You're right. It's fine about until 2:30 when things start getting weird. Really weird. Oh gosh, now there are little kids singing. I think that Kids Bop might be the worst music ever.

  6. How can people not enjoy tuba music??
