Monday, September 27, 2010

Lux et Veritas

This is Latin for "light and truth." It is also the motto for the Southern College of Optometry. It also just so happens to be the motto for Yale University. And I'm pretty sure that Yale copied SCO...

So you know what else is interesting? "Light and truth" in Hebrew is אורים ותמי, which is "urim and thummim." This is actually on Yale's coat of arms.

Anyway, that was your random fact of the day. And I was accepted at SCO this week. Woo hoo! I'm still interviewing at other schools, but SCO looks pretty promising because they're not going to make me take biochemistry.


  1. That's a good random fact, especially for a Sunday post! Congratulations on being accepted. I have a feeling you will have some choices to make before long...

  2. Thanks Bry! Totes cool (as Ali would say......)
