Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Advice about Girls

My Construction Safety professor is really funny. He just finished his Masters and will be heading off to get his Ph.D. this fall. He's not much older than the people in our class. Anyway, he gave some useful interesting advice about girls and dating. I'm not sure how true it is, but Katie was nodding her head while I was telling her what I learned today.
  1. Girls talk about guys who stand out. Don't try to blend in at Stake Dances. Be the guy who wears bright yellow pants and huge sunglasses. (Remember, this is his advice, not mine. When I told Katie this she said, "Sure, they get talked about more, but that's because they're weird.")
  2. Blonde girls love sour candy.
  3. If you give a girl some gummy bears and a rose, she'll fall in love with you. Guaranteed.
 So, take that for what it's worth.


  1. When I was little I was really, really blond and I loved sour candy so much I would eat it until my tongue bled.

  2. this is really awesome. I know I would fall in love with someone if they gave me gummy bears and a rose...

  3. Gummy bears don't work for me. I require chocolate.
