Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekend Posts...

...are always harder to write, especially ones that fall on a Sunday. I feel that they should reflect the spirit of a Sunday, somehow. So here we go.

I think it's interesting that we celebrate the Sabbath on the first day of the week. In Europe they have changed the calendar so that Monday's are the first day of the week. That's how it is in my planner, too. When I was serving my mission in Switzerland I spoke to an old man who was a Seventh Day Adventist. He was telling me that it is very important that we worship the Sabbath on the seventh day of the week: Saturday. He made the following analogy: if God was to write you a letter and got the whole address correct except the apartment number, the letter would not arrive. He claimed that if you did everything right but made a simple but critical error, like going to church on the wrong day, you won't be going to heaven.

But if you extend that thought further, every mistake we make distances ourselves from God. If our letter to God asking for salvation requires a perfect address, all the envelopes will be returned to us stamped either "Address Unknown" or "More Postage Required." That's the whole purpose of Christ's grace. He edits our mailing addresses and adds the postage that we lack.

I wish I came up with that kind of answer when I was talking to the Seventh Day Adventist. I can't remember what I told him, but he wasn't interested in hearing what we talked about. He was just trying to convert us. And we were trying to convert him. I still think about him, though. I wonder if we thinks about me. Probably not. He has met with hundreds of missionaries over the years. Well, probably not hundreds. Tens, maybe.

Anyway, I'm rambling now. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Nice analogy--made me think.

    Reminds me of the phrase, "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availaeth much..." Good to know that our prayers (letters) CAN be effectual, thanks to Christ, who makes sure we get the address right.

  2. Hey check out great place for appartment listings
