Saturday, November 21, 2009

Avoiding conversations

We were playing Skip Bo yesterday evening with our neighbors and we all confessed to something that I didn't know everyone else did. Maybe you do it, too. Sometimes when I'm walking somewhere I see someone I kind of know in front of me walking to the same place. Now, a nice, normal person would kind of speed up and talk to the person in front of them and keep them company until they reach their destination. But I always try to avoid talking to people. It turns out that everyone else did the same thing!
Here are some tactics that I use to avoid catching up to people:

-Pretend to tie my shoe so they get far enough ahead that I can't catch up. Sometimes I actually first untie my shoe and then re-tie it.

-Whip out my cell phone and have an actual out-loud fake conversation. This way, when I pass the other person all I have to do it kind of smile and do a head nod like this.

-If they have to go around a building I run around the other side and speed walk until I pass them.

I was thinking how cool it would be to be a colonist today. It would be fun to go where no one else has been before and build a whole civilization up from scratch. Actually, I probably would only think it was cool for a couple of weeks. Or if I didn't have a baby. That would be crazy. I guess I'll have to wait until we're all being called to gather in the New Jerusalem. Man, that will be so cool.


  1. Ok, the head nod link was really funny.

    You want to be a colonist? Build up a civilization "from scratch?" What about the people who were there before you? This seems pretty problematic.

    Oh, and Mark says you should check into the lip directions that people use in Venezuela. They don't point the direction with their fingers or a head nod, they point with their lips. Maybe you should try that.

  2. I always feel so guilty when I ignore someone in my mind. And then I try to talk to them so that I don't feel so guilty, but then it's usually awkward.

  3. oh man i do that ALL THE TIME. not the head nod thing but that video was hilarious!
