Monday, December 1, 2008

Nose Hair

When Katie and I left the apartment about 15 minutes ago, she told me that I had a few nose hairs sticking out. That was an understatement. I don't know where they all came from. I always hate pulling them out because it makes my eyes water and I feel like I need to sneeze, so I usually resort to tucking them back into my nostril if they ever decide to show themselves to the world. Today I decided to solve the problem once and for all--well, at least until they grow back--by pulling out all the hairs that hung low. Here comes the amazing part: I pulled out twelve nose hairs. Twelve! And I didn't even sneeze! Granted, my eyes did water a bit, but hey, beauty has its price. I remember watching the David Letterman show a while ago and he did one of his Top Ten lists about ten things that will never fail. One of those things was that if you pull a nose hair, you will sneeze.

I just proved David Letterman wrong.


  1. I didn't know people sneezed when they pulled out their nose hair. I guess it's because I have never done that before. How long do you think your nose hair could grow unchecked? Also, does your nose feel a little colder inside now? Twelve is a lot.

  2. What if our body/nose/eyebrow hair grew the same rate as our head hair? Man, we would look like Snuffleupagus. It would be warm though.

  3. wow, that's kinda disgusting.
    but fascinating in a weird way...

  4. Your eyes watered a little? More like you cried.
